Vim/Neovim | Programming Notes and Flashcards
Learn the editors for the pros - learn Vim and Neovim
Whether you want to get into web development or simply get better at it, you will definitely profit from having a well-organized central system where you can learn and look up everything.
This bundle provides you with over 30+ pages and 250+ flashcards on every major concept of Vim and Neovim.
You can also find lots of information on The ReactJS section is simply a part of a massive collection of notes and flashcards for various programming languages and technologies. You can find this section here at . ✨
What´s included ?
- History, Installing, Fundamentals
- Adding and Copying and Searching
- Deleting, Visual Mode
- Moving in the horizontal direction
- Changing/deleting advanced
- Advanced Shorcuts
- Macros
- Vim with other editor
- Neovim Basics, Installation and the init.vim file
- VimScript Basics:
Variables, Operators, Strings , Functions, Loops, Conditionals, Advanced init.vim Section - Lua Basics:
Installation, printing, commenting, Variables, Strings, Concatenating, Numbers,Datatypes, Booleans, Reassigning
Using Lua to configure Neovim
Using Plugins in Lua for Neovim ( with examples )
We will be using Notion for our Notes and Anki for our flash cards. Notion is an incredible Notetaking app millions of people use all around the world. On the other hand, Anki is an incredible flashcard App that uses advanced algorithms to make learning as efficient as possible.
Upon purchase , you will get a Notion website ( if chosen ). You can use it to study either using the browser or you can download Notion to your machine and duplicate the content. You can get Notion here, it is free !
Also, you will get your flashcard (a .apkg file). You can simply import this file into your Anki App to use it. If you don ´t have Anki, you can simply download it here, it is free as well. Please click here to watch how to import it.
Who am I ?
Hi , my name is Lionel!
I enjoy teaching coding / programming and making Notion templates. If you want to find out more about me, just visit my website, blog or Github profile.
See you there !
The website I used to host